Web 3.0 Roadmap


Web 3.0 Roadmap

    1 : You should have Web 2.0 Skills

Most people make one mistake to dive straight into smart contracts without having a technical background in web development. Blockchain technologies are built on top of web technologies.

you can't learn Web 3.0 if you don't have a solid understanding of web 2.0 so before digging deeper into more web 3.0, better understand the fundamentals of web development in general.

Your Web 2.0 skill like React.js, Next.js will be beneficial because Decentralized Applications have a standard vanilla JavaScript or JavaScript framework Front-end.

    2 : Learn the Fundamentals of Blockchain

As a Web 3.0 developer, you need to undersatand what the blockchain is, how it works, why do we use it. You first need to know about what you are working with.

So what is a blockchain ?

A blockchain is a network of computers connected is some way, and they collectively run what is called a blockchain client.

Blockchain technology is no more related only to crypto coins.

To learn and master the basics of blockchain technology. First, learn the fundamental things

such as :
  • What the blockchain is
  • How it works
  • How to Interact with the blockchain
  • How to connect our web applications to the blockchain
And it is recommended that you get started with the Ethereum blockchain as it is very popular.

Also, one of the reasons to learn Ethereum blockchain first is there is a lot of technical support from its developer's team plus considerable community support.

    3 : Learn About Smart Contracts

A Smart Contract is software stored on a blockchain-based platform that automatically executes an agreement. Smart contracts are how you can program the blockchain to perform a specific set of instructions, like you telling the blockchain what to do.

Smart contracts enable you to exchange anything of value while also eliminating the middle man. the self-executing feature of a smart contract is what makes it very important.

The smart contract code cannot be changed, which in technical terms, we say is immutable.

Smart contracts can do everything, right from NFTs to creating your own Crypto Currency to handling the backend of the Apps

Here's the IBM defination for Smart contracts:

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions are met. They typically are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary’s involvement or time loss.  ____IBM

Things to learn about Smart Contract
  • Basics of Smart Contract
  • Life Cycle of Smart Contract
  • Interacting with smart contracts using web3.js

Compiling, Testing, Deploying Smart Contracts

Compiling, Testing, and Deploying Smart Contracts is an essential part, as we know those smart contracts, once deployed, are immutable, so you would like to test them before deploying.

For Testing, you can go with :

For deployment purposes, you can use :

    4 : Learn Solidity

Knowing how to write smart contracts is essential in blockchain app development. So in which programming language do we write smart contracts? it's Solidity!

Of course, there are some other programming languages also, but Solidity is the most popular one. So understanding Solidity is crucial.

Solidity is an object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts. it is used for implementing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms.

Solidity is a relatively new programming language used for ethereum blockchain, and it's a combination of a few languages. The creators of Solidity got inspired by JavaScript, java, C++, rust, & many other languages, therefore making Solidity extraordinarily versatile & intuitive.

As you start to wire code in Solidity, you'll notice that all of that seems similar, maybe from java, JavaScript, but it will make sense as it's almost written in pure English.

Here is a small code sample of solidity
programming language

Also, one more reason to learn Solidity is the job market. many companies require developers who know Solidity well.

    5 Learn more about Decentralized applications

Once you build and deploy your smart contract, you'll need to create a friendly user interface at the front end so that any user use it. Remember I said earlier you should have Web 2.0 skills before starting blockchain development.

In the front-end interface, you create a DAPP (Decentralized application). The DAPP can be a mobile app or a web app, but it is usually a web app in most cases. The web app is usually just like your regular web apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

And when building the dAPP, there will be two essential tasks,

    1 : The integration with the blockchain
    2 : The integration with the wallet

We shall use a JavaScript library for integration with blockchain, Web3.js, which is pretty helpful and easy to use

    6 : Learn about Metamask or any equivalent Crypto Wallet

A blockchain wallet helps someone exchange funds quickly. The transactions are secure, as they are cryptographically signed. A wallet is used to interact with the blockchain. The wallet is accessible from web devices, including mobile ones, and the privacy and identity of the user are maintained.

Blockchain wallet provides all the necessary features for safe and secure transfers and exchanges of funds between different parties. it is vary similar to sending or receiving money through paypal or any other gateway used today, but you use cryptocurrency instead.

There are a lot of crypto wallets out there, but my recommendation would be first to learn how to integrate your smart contract with the metamask wallet and then learn about the other wallets.

Metamask allows users to access their Ethereum wallet through a browser extension or mobile app, which users can then use to interact with decentralized applications.

    7 : Learn Web3.js and Ethers.s to connect your dAPP

You'll need to interface with your front end to talk to the blockchain. Here are two popular chices to interface with blockchains that implement the Ethereum APL, web3.js and ethers.js.

Web3.js is a collection of libraries that allow you to connect with a local or remote Ethereum node using HTTP, Websockets, & other communication protocols directly from your JavaScript Based front-end.

Ethers.js is a lightweight JavaScript library used to connect the JavaScript front-end with Smart Contacts as an alternative to Web3.js.

    8 : Practice your skills by building a blockchain application.

After that, I suggest you should get your hands dirty with the technologies you have learned so far. Practice, Practice, and Practice!

To keep learning effectively, you have to challenge your capabilities. Take up a project well beyond your capabilities and stick to that project until you complete it. By the end of just 4-5 such assignments, you will be almost more proficient than others around you.

    9 : Build your Portfolio

When you're comfortable working with blockchain/dApps, you should consider building your portfolio; a portfolio website shows evidence of expertise in your field. it can also help build trust with clients because they have direct evidence of the quality of your work.

A portfolio will be beneficial whether you are looking for jobs or internships. More importantly, potential clients and employers will sense confidence in you

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